Just checking in to let you know that I’ll be back with project life weekly prompts next week! It’s been a good week of finally getting settled in with things here at home. Isn’t coming home from traveling always the hardest part? I’m also taking a bit of time to get all of our tax […]
Project Life week 6 prompts
Prompts to help your journal fun “extras” and keep you capturing what you love from week to week in your project life album. 1.) an Olympic story that touched your heart. I don’t know about you, but the biggest thing that gets me excited about the Olympics are the stories of the athletes that are […]
the weekend update
There’s an update to the chapter info and timeline for the Women and Handmade Business blog posts. I’m seriously so excited to share this. No. Really. | Did you read my post where I shared five things about me? You can also enter for a chance to win a spot in Jennifer Wilson’s upcoming class […]
project life weekly prompts – week 5
I love the idea of putting together a set of prompts each week to help you make sure that you get to document the little things that make you life special. So I’ve put a few together to help keep me on track. Along with all of the other fun events happening in your week, […]