I’m really excited for this – I’ve been working for a while to learn Adobe Illustrator (and still am!) and one of the fun courses that I took along the way was this pocket pop with Danielle Young. It was a GREAT introduction, and really helped me begin to get comfortable in Illustrator. If you’re interested in learning, I have to recommend it as a great place to start!
Along the way through the course, Danielle walks you through everything to create a set of six 3×4 pocket scrapbook cards in Adobe Illustrator. I decided to give away my take on the course for free. This is the first set of printable cards that will be offered here monthly for download.
There are three different options included for printing:
-6 digital/printable 3×4 pocket scrapbooking cards both with and without bleed (you need them with bleed to send to a professional printer like persnickety prints)
– 3-4×6 jpeg printables that you can send straight to your 4×6 printer
-1 8.5×11 format printable page which includes all six cards
**for personal use only. please read and abide by the included Terms of Use**
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