Yay for crazy busy weeks! Maybe it’s just the time of year? We are frantically working on a pinewood derby car for our entry tomorrow. Yeah, that’s right. This photo is from this morning. Through a series of events, we just haven’t had the time or the tools necessary to tackle the project. So here […]
ideas stirring
I have so many ideas stirring! I feel like I’m on this amazing journey with my business – and recently I’ve started what I like to call a “refining” process. This concept is SO a part of me and my vision for the future. I love this little video posted by the peeps at Etsy: […]
lovely wednesday inspiration
I want to get back into the habit of sharing inspiration posts again! I used to love sharing something that I called “inspire me monday” on my scrapbooking blog, but in the shuffle of everything going on, and the changes of moving things around, it’s dropped to the wayside. As an artist/crafter, it’s important to […]
brainstorm sesh
I’ve been doing a bit of a brainstorming sesh. For upcoming products for the shop. Deciding where I’d like to go this year. I love that the possibilities are open and endless. My imagination {and pocketbook! lol} are my only limits. Where do you like to look for inspiration?
insta blog hop
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! I’ve joined up with friends from Instagram to have a fun blog hop filled with green giveaways to celebrate the day!{In honor of instagram, we’ve also instagram’d the photos of our giveaways! ^_^} Here’s what I’m offering – his and her’s camera strap covers from my shop – a $60 value! To […]
golden flowers
Just a few photos of me working around my studio space last week! Unfortunately, with the boys out of school this week, I haven’t accomplished much beyond shuttling them to some activities to keep them busy and out of trouble! I *am* really excited that I’ve ordered my official woven fabric tags! I’m sure I’ll […]
ahhh… spring break!
Some of you may know that I homeschool our boys. So. Basically, I wear many, many hats. Which is awesome and rewarding most days! Last week was a little crazy, though. Here’s to a week when I wear one less hat. Today is about regrouping and planning a successful, productive week. I had the chance […]
celebrating a little milestone
I’m so very grateful for the growth of my business in the last 6 months. It’s growing and expanding, and I feel amazingly blessed. To celebrate this small milestone, I’m offering a giveaway here on my blog! I’m offering one item of the winner’s choice from my shop. Browse around and see what you love, […]