Thanks for your interest in my designs! In addition to the press features pictured below, my handmade items have been featured on numerous sites and blogs including Prop Insanity, Chic Critique Magazine and Forum, Confessions of a Prop Junkie, Laura Winslow Photography, Amy Tangerine and Simple As That.
If you’re interested in my personal published work please click here.

feature | September 2015 Click! Magazine

feature | September 2015 (Stuff We Love) Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine

feature | Fall 2013 Buyer’s Guide Issue of Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine
(click on image to view larger)

feature | Summer 2013 Creating Keepsakes (“Best Of” issue)
(click on image to view larger)

product boutique | May/June 2013 – Click Magazine

feature | May 2013 Gift guide for Grads

cover article | September 2012 issue of Mollie Makes

product review | Autumn 2012 issue 3 of Chic Critique Magazine